Greetings, Friends!
I have something really special to share with you today. Over the years, I’ve worked with the Make-A-Wish Foundation a number of times. As explained in the video, it’s not something I usually talk about; the kids are what’s important, not publicity. In this case, I’m breaking my silence because . . . well, this Make-A-Wish request is just too extraordinary to keep secret.
The young man, Brenden, wanted a replica of Angela’s sword, Albitr (aka Tinkledeath), from the Inheritance Cycle. This posed certain problems above-and-beyond the normal difficulties of crafting a sword, because—as you may remember—Tinkledeath is made out of solid diamond. Yikes!
Fortunately, my friend Elichai Fowler, a world-class jeweler, did some research and figured out that we could make the blade from acrylic. Not quite diamond, but it still looks amazing. Then I contacted a fan, Raoul Solomon—who has been rendering weapons from the Inheritance Cycle for years—and over several days, we came up with a 3D model of Tinkledeath.
Sean Clearwater, a local craftsman, milled the sword into its initial shape. He also made the sheath and laser etched the patterns into the leather (the runes spell Albitr in Dwarvish, read from right to left).
Elichai did further work on Albitr and then took it to swordsmith Rick Eaton, who ground the blade to its final form. Following this, Elichai and his son Azakiah polished Tinkledeath until it was perfectly clear (a monumental task in-and-of-itself). Machinist Aubrin Heinrichs provided advice and resources throughout.
The hilt of the sword is wrapped in pure silver wire. And while this version of Albitr may not be quite as sharp as the one Angela wields, I think you will agree that even Rhunön would be impressed by its beauty and craftsmanship.

Part of me wishes I could have kept Tinkledeath for myself, but I’m sure Brenden will appreciate it even more, as it embodies all our hopes for his recovery. And who knows, maybe we’ll be able to make additional copies in the future!
As always (and it’s doubly appropriate today) . . .
May your swords stay sharp!
p.s. Also included with the sword was this wonderful replica of the necklace the dwarf Gannel gave Eragon to protect him against scrying. In Dwarvish, the runes say: “Astim Hefthyn” or “Sight Guard”. Again, thanks to Raoul for modeling and printing the hammer!