Educators Relaunch

Educators Relaunch

Greetings friends!

My team and I have spent the past few months redesigning the Educators’ section of our website. It now contains a host of Eragon-themed projects and materials that teachers, librarians, and parents can use to help spark a love of reading and writing in children. These are exactly the sorts of activities that got me interested in books in the first place, and I’m excited to share them with you now.

The main part of the Educators’ section is the new Teacher’s Guide, which is packed with activities to get kids excited about reading, writing, research, math, and expanding their critical thinking skills through the world and characters of Eragon. Students can discover how soap is made, write a letter from a dwarf child’s point of view, help Angela the herbalist calculate her recipes, learn dwarven runes, design a menu to celebrate the werecat Solembum’s birthday, and so much more!

But that’s not all! I’ve also uploaded a series of short videos where I speak directly to students and answer their questions about writing, fantasy, and the Inheritance Cycle. We’ve included articles with advice for young readers and writers, tips for homeschooling parents, and a whole bunch of multimedia content: a crossword puzzle, word search, and high-quality printable images of the different book covers (for posters, art projects, and social media headers).

As a child, I was lucky to have been surrounded by people who encouraged me to do projects similar to those on our site. I made booklets about topics I was interested in. I wrote letters to characters and fiddled around with invented languages. And it made a huge difference; those projects fed my imagination in ways that more traditional lessons never did. If even one young person can be similarly inspired by the material here, I’ll be delighted.

So! Come visit the new website section and let me know what you think on Twitter and Facebook!

Wishing you a great summer!


p.s. Yes, I’m still hard at work rewriting my sci-fi book. I’ll send you an update soon.

Educators Relaunch

Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini is the author of the international bestsellers Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance, as well as The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm. Murtagh is now available and marks the highly anticipated return to the World of Eragon. His debut science fiction novel, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, came out in September 2020 and its prequel, Fractal Noise, was released in May 2023. He resides in Paradise Valley, Montana, USA.

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